If you start your day with a visit at a dirty, sooty boiler-room to add coal dust or 'eco-peas' into the furniture, then consider that - while keeping similar costs - you may get pellet heating and achieve the following benefits:

  • You add fuel to into the stove once every 7-10 days.
  • You keep the boiler-room clean and free from soot and dust.
  • In order to fill the oven, you pick up a handy bag of 15 kg wood pellets and pour its contents into the tray.
  • You can feel the smell of trees - instead of eye-biting and poisonous smoke.
  • You store fuel in aesthetic and sealed bags.
  • When pellet fuel combusted, you have a handful of ash which you can put away in the garden and use as valuable fertiliser - instead of tons of dirty dust. 

And all of that for the price similar to the price of coal heating! And the same convenience and cleanliness as in the case of expensive gas and oil. And this is not the end of your benefits.  Your pellet boiler will serve you for many years; when pellets are combusted it does not produce large amounts of soot which - when deposited in the furnace - reduces its life.


The resources of fossil fuels in the world has been shrinking, so it can be expected that their prices will continue to grow. The utilisation of gas as a fuel material makes us dependent from many factors, including political ones. These factors affect the fact that the prices of gas are high and volatile. The prices of pellet fuel are not subject to such fluctuations because they are produced locally from sawmill waste. When you heat your house with pellet fuel, you get fuel for a fixed low price. As a result, as early as the beginning of your heating season you can plan how much you spend on fuel. 

If you want to calculate pellet heating costs, check out our heating costs calculator. (link)

Wood pellet fuel - recycled firewood

We do not cut trees to produce wood pellets. Pellets are made from wood residues which come from logging or remnants generated during production at sawmills. These wood remnants, called wood chips, are shredded and dried at Pellet Energy. When excess moisture is evaporated and wood material - compacted into granules we obtain bio-fuel with very good bio-energetic properties. In short, out of wood we draw what is the best and put into granules to give you the most convenient, cheap and ecological fuel.

Wood pellet fuel for large boiler-houses and small houses

Pellet wood fuel is used to heat single- and multi-family houses, hotels, public buildings and industrial facilities. Wood pellets can be combusted in wood and pellet-fuelled fireplaces as well as pellet-fuelled central-heating boilers.